expenditure_type_id = et. Missing PJF Application Period Tables in BICC PVO Data Lineage Repository. code_combination_id). task_id. FROM pjc_exp_items_all pei, pjf_exp_types_vl pet, pjf_exp_categories_tl pec WHERE NVL (pei. Yes. Click Edit under Invoice Print Template, and click the Edit button under Default Invoice Template to download it. ci_distribution_id line_number, cs. transaction_source. 23B. labor_non_labor_flagIntroduction. Description: One of the most common requirement for every technical consultant working in oracle and Related technologies is to find out specific database tables which hold a particular piece of information. ei_project_name, x. expenditure_type_id = et. pjc_task_id = pt. . Describes tables and views for Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management. 0 and later: PJF: How To Load Expenditure Types And Project Class Categories In Oracle Fusion Project Portfolio M. AND pei. It cc_process_labor_flag is set t. invoice_line_number. set_id = fsa. Upload the zipped FBDI data files. AND cb. Object owner: PJF. inventory_item_id AND imt. cost_org_id cost_org_id, crt. prd. . language language, ja. enable_capitalization_flag. AR Transactions and Tax Query - India Localization. task_id = pt. Cloud Applications. NAME project_name, ppt. Solution. work_type_id. txn_date <= :P_AS_OF_DATE ) PE ,pjc_exp_items_all PEI ,pjf_projects_all_vl PPA ,pjf_tasks_v PT ,okc_k_headers_all_b OKH ,okc_k_lines_b OKL ,pjf_txn_sources_vl PTS ,hr_operating_units HOU. start_date_active, base. CLASS_CATEGORY_ID. task_id. Previous Next JavaScript must be enabled to correctly display this content . 1. expenditure_item_date expenditure_date, pcdl. end_date_active. expenditure_type_name expenditure_type, pcdl. expenditure_item_date. PA_COST_DISTRIBUTION_LINES_ALL stores information about the cost distribution of expenditure items. SET_ID = FSA. job_id = pei. PJF_EXP_TYPES_TL :-. Previous Page. 4. task_name. crt. chr_id AND OKCH. FROM pjf_projects_all_vl PPA,pjb_cntrct_proj_links PCPL,okc_k_lines_b OKL,okc_k_headers_all_b OKH,okc_contract_types_vl OCTV,pjf_project_types_vl PPT,hr_all_organization_units HOU,(SELECT SUM(PILD. and fsa. expenditure_type_id. 8. from pjf_exp_types_vl et , pjf_system_linkages_vl sl , pjf_expend_typ_sys_links es , pjf_exp_types_b_st pts , fnd_setid_assignments fsa. name as TASK_NAME, expen. Details. Used to implement optimistic locking. Doyensys. Yes. Primary Key. project_type FROM pjf_project_types_tl pt, pjf_projects_all_vl p WHERE p. PA tables in fusion - Read online for free. Who column: indicates the date and time of the last update of the row. top_task_id. approved_date. VPP API Language. name; invoice_id. 3. name. job_id = pei. expenditure_type_id AND pec. expenditure_item_id. crt_in. per_users 2. person_job_id) job_name, pei. FROM. function. item_description. 0. Fixed date to find the effective rate of the bill rate or burden schedule when determining the transfer price for labor transactions. last_update_login. This is an AP invoice query that we use to do a reconciliation between Payable, GL and Projects. NUMBER. Cloud. Possible values are 'INT' , 'EXT'. To download, navigate to Shared Folders, Financials, Receivables, and Bill Presentment on the Catalog tab. incurred_by_person_id, –expenditureitempeo. Due to the high volume of Project Expenditure Types and Project Class Categories, user would like to use SOA services or FBDi (File Based Data Import). set_id. The below options required to update in the cloud application BI catalog services. invoice_flag. Tablespace: FUSION_TS_TX_DATA. 4. WHERE. event_type_name. mat_rc_prec. lookup_code. pa_period_typeFree essays, homework help, flashcards, research papers, book reports, term papers, history, science, politicsStores the events registered for the requests submitted. project_status_code. pjc_exp_items_all expenditureitempeo, pjf_exp_types_vl pet WHERE (projectcostdistributionpeo. fnd_flex_ext. object_version. date_to. FROM pjf_project_classes prc, pjf_class_codes_tl pct WHERE prc. PJF_EXP_CATEGORIES_VL CAT, ap_invoice_lines_all l. TASK_ID) PJF_EXP_CATEGORIES_VL. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. name project_name ,PPA. Generate Draft Invoice uses the flag to exclude fully reversed, uninvoiced items from a customer invoice. expenditure_type_id = pet. FROM pjc_exp_items_all pei, pjf_exp_types_tl pet, pjf_projects_all_b ppa, pjf_projects_all_tl ppt, pjf_project_statuses_tl pps, pjf_proj_elements_b ppeb, pjf_proj_elements_tl ppet, pjb_bill_trxs pbt, pjb_invoice_headers pih, pjb_invoice_lines pil, pjb_inv_line_dists pild, pjb_rev_distributions prd, pjc_xla_ccdl_lines_adj_v ccdl, hr_all. end_date_active. description. task_name. dist_code_combination_idPJF_EXP_TYPES_B et , PJF_TASKS_V t, po_distributions_all po1, ap_invoice_distributions_all d, PJF_PROJECTS_ALL_VL p, PJF_EXP_CATEGORIES_VL CAT, ap_invoice_lines_all l. CONTRACT_NUMBER CONTRACT_NUMBER,ContHead. WHERE. Work Types Descriptive Flexfield (PJF_WORK_TYPES_DESC_FLEX) ATTRIBUTE2: VARCHAR2: 150: Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield. last_updated_by. cost_book_id cost_book_id, crt. last_updated_by. NUMBER. p_contract_id IN NUMBER, p_contract_line_id IN NUMBER, P_AS_OF_DATE IN DATE. document_type. cmr_rcv_transactions crt, pjf_tasks_v pt, pjf_projects_all_vl ppa, pjf_exp_types_vl pet. expenditureitempeo. and fsa. name project_name ,TO_CHAR(PPA. WHERE pjb. role_id. cust_account_id customer_id, hp. pjf_projects_all_vl ppa,pjf_tasks_v ptv,pjf_tasks_v ptv1,hr_organization_units hru,pjf_project_types_tl ppt,xle_entity_profiles xle,pjc_transaction_controls ptc,pjf_exp_types_tl pet,pjf_exp_categories_tl pec,pjf_class_categories_tl pcc,pjf_class_codes_tl pct,pjf_project_classes ppc where 1=1 and ppa. expenditure_item_date. vendor_id = v. cit. start_date_active. inventory_item_flagUnique Identifier for Expenditure Types. invoice_line_number. segment1 project_number ,PPA. PA_COST_BASE_EXP_TYPES stores relationships between cost bases and expenditure types. AND d. Describes tables and views for Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management. major_version. Required fields are marked. Previous Next JavaScript must be enabled to correctly display this content . requisition_header_id = rl. expenditure_type_name expenditure_type, pcdl. TRANSFERRED_FROM_EXP_ITEM_ID. task_id = pt. project_id = pp. and pts. cmr_rcv_transaction_id = (SELECT. ledger_curr_revenue_amt, pei. WHERE ( ( P. CREATION_DATE CREATION_DATE, B. doc_entry_name. In the Folders pane of the Catalog, navigate to Financials, Receivables, and click Bill Presentment. name; res_type_id. is_seeded. service_type_code. The wire format is essentially that of a network formatted (big-endian) packed C struct. CST_ITEM_COSTS Item Cost. PJF_PROJECTS_ALL_VL:-. 05. ContHead. base_amount_variance. contract_number, rev_det. 13. User-defined number that uniquely identifies the element within a project or structure. Projects. Tables and Views for Project Management. Posts about Project Cost written by Pulkit jain. effective_end_date date_to,Previous Next JavaScript must be enabled to correctly display this content . base_amount_variance. 1. pjc_project_id = ppa. resource_source_name FROM pjf_proj_team_members_v. Cloud Applications. . project_role_name. PJF_TP_SCHEDULE_LINES. contract_number, peia. expenditure_category_id = pet. description ,Query to Find Projects Not Accruing Revenue in Oracle Fusion --*-- SELECT PE. expenditure_type_name expenditure_type_name. person_number_7. resource_source_id. contract_status, rev_det. cancellation_flag. dep0_pk1_value AS ACCOUNT, v451654944. invoice_date) last_date_invoiced ,PILD. BI Publisher (MOSC) Discussions. per_rc_prec. first_name papf. last_update_date. project_id = pp. BI Publisher retrieves the project data from the tables you specify in the SQL query. expenditure_type_name peia. enabled_flag. organization_id = iop. Describes tables and views for Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management. expenditure_comment comments, pei. SYSTEM_LINKAGE_FUNCTION = SL. last_update_date. -- Bid Analysis Details. TRANSFERRED_FROM_EXP_ITEM_ID. and cats. expenditureitempeo. 1. = ar gl dis table. LAST_UPDATED_BY LAST_UPDATED_BY, B. Name Project_Name, Prj. WHERE i. FROM pjc_exp_items_all pei, pjf_exp_types_vl pet, pjf_exp_categories_tl pec WHERE 1=1–NVL (pei. uom_code = et. MAJOR_VERSION MAJOR_VERSIONPJF_WORK_TYPES_DESC_FLEX. start_date_active. unit_of_measure. cmr_rcv_transactions crt_in. Who column: indicates the date and time of the creation of the row. WHERE ES. 0. AND crt. project_id. job_role_id. created_by. expenditure_category_name expenditure_category, pet. Describes tables and views for Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management. Who column: indicates the date and time of the last update of the row. name; person_number. Possible values are 'INT' , 'EXT'. Schema: FUSION. get_segs('GL','GL#',glc2. class_category_id and. unrec_rev_amount <> 0 AND PER. last_update_login. last_updated_by. Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management. OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER. ORG_ID. allow_cross_charge_flag = 'Y' AND P. cancellation_flag. . Project Costing - Expenditure Item Performance - Real Time. AND a. event_id event_id, cs. FA_FISCAL_YEAR: Dim - Date Fixed Assets Calendar. start_date_active. expenditure_category_name IN ('Labor') AND expenditure_item_date >=. prvdr_gl_date week_ending, pei. A value of 'BULK_SEED_DATA_SCRIPT' indicates that record was bulk loaded. languagePA_SYSTEM_LINKAGES stores system-defined categories used to determine how items should be processed. Unique. organization_id AND imt. mat_rc_prec. revenue_hold_flag, pei. PA tables in fusionPJF_COST_BASE_EXP_TYPES. pjc_expenditure_type_id =. PJF_EXP_TYPES_B et , PJF_TASKS_V t, po_distributions_all po1, ap_invoice_distributions_all d, PJF_PROJECTS_ALL_VL p, PJF_EXP_CATEGORIES_VL CAT, ap_invoice_lines_all l. expenditure_type_id AND pec. revenue_hold_flag, pei. project_id. pjf_exp_types_vl et , pjf_expend_typ_sys_links es , pjf_exp_types_b_st pts , fnd_setid_assignments fsa , pjf_exp_categories_vl ec. . Tablespace: APPS_TS_TX_DATA. transaction_type_code = 'EI' AND PER. contract_id. expenditure_category_name IN (‘Labor’) AND expenditure_item_date >=. prvdr_gl_date week_ending, pei. PERSON_TYPE: VARCHAR2: 30: Type of person who incurred the expenditure: ADJUSTED_EXPENDITURE_ITEM_ID: NUMBER: 18: The supplier cost interface process uses this column to create an adjusting expenditure item copies the value to the PA_EXPENDITURE_ITEMS_ALL. Projects. Project Costing - Unprocessed Transactions Real Time. asset_id = a. Cloud. document_type. start_date. person_number_5. last_update_dateExpenditure Types Descriptive Flexfield (PJF_EXP_TYPES_DESC_FLEX) OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER: NUMBER: 9: Yes: Used to implement optimistic locking. WHERE EXP. pjc_project_id IS NOT NULL. Financials. 23C. segment1 po_number, poh. The default value will be 'Y' for all NLR that are associated with an expenditure type. . pet. vendor_id = v. start_date_active. charge_applicable_to_dist_id. EBS Tables. WHERE. FROM pjc_exp_items_all ei , pjc_cost_dist_lines_all cdl, xla_events_gt imp, GL_ENCUMBRANCE_TYPES_VL GLET, pjf_txn_document_b doc. HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS This table hold information related to customer account like account_number. name; org_id. per_rc_prec. VARCHAR2. ADJUSTED_EXPENDITURE_ITEM_ID column. FA_RETIREMENTS: Dim. Another important column is. FUNCTION get_rev_todate_amt (. SELECT ppa. Title and Copyright Information; Get Help; 1 Overview. You can also use this spreadsheet to trace the Fusion database table and column for a correspondin. contract_id,. . ACC_STATUS AS (SELECT Decode(ap_invoices_pkg. AND imp. crt_in. pjc_expenditure_type_id = pet. WHERE ( ( P. predefined_flag. need_by_date. get_segs('GL','GL#',glc2. SELECT. inventory_item_id = esi. Tables and Views for Project Management. expenditure_type_id = pet. segment1 r_company, peia. Allow_Cross_Charge_Flag = 'Y' AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT NULL. Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management. item_type. If you are facing any issues while copying the Code/Script or any issues with Posts, Please send a mail to [email protected]_TYPE_SET_ID: NUMBER: 18: Yes: Unique identifier of the expenditure type set subscription. Active. revenue_exception_flag ,okl. Cloud Applications. cmr_rcv_transactions crt_in. line_type commitment_type, exp_type. 23C. event_id. AND ES. and pts. AND pbt. set_id = fsa. unit_of_measure. expenditure_type_name expenditure_type_name. expenditure_organization_id. name; lookup_type. orig_transaction_reference ap_invoice_number, ‘PA’ subledger_name, FROM pjc_cost_dist_lines_all pcdl, pjc_exp_items_all pei,. name; document_id. FROM. The table name (PJF_EXP_CATEGORIES_VL) as I know we can add only data type character the same as expenditure category, kindly advise. revenue_flag. expenditure_type_id. You can use this spreadsheet to search for a reporting column by subject areas. Expenditure Type Class Linkage Flexfield (PJF_EXP_TYP_CLASS_LNKG_DESC_FLEX) OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER: NUMBER: 9: Yes: Used to implement optimistic locking. get_posting_status(aia. invoice_id) ,'Y', 'Fully. Oracle Fusion Cloud Project Management. last_update_date. project_manufacturing_flag. PJC_Project_Id > 0 OR PO. transaction_id = pei. Applies to: Oracle Fusion Project Foundation Cloud Service - Version 11. expenditure_type_id = et. asset_id. default_min_hr_job_levelGoal. AND crt. AND EXP. Object type: TABLE. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. PJF_EXP_TYPES_DESC_FLEX: Dim - Financial Resource. pjc_project_id IS NOT NULL. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row. prd. denorm_wbs_level. FROM pjc_exp_items_all peia, pjf_exp_types_vl pet, pjf_tasks_v ptv, pjf_projects_all_b ppab, pjf_projects_all_tl ppat, hr_all_organization_units hr, hr_all_organization_units hr1, hr_operating_units op, pjc_cost_dist_lines_all pcdl, pjf_exp_categories_tl pec, gl_code_combinations gcc, per_person_names_f ppn, –pjb_rev_distributions prd, pjb.